Esagio Symbol Guidelines

The following guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the “Trademark Guidelines”) shall apply for any use by the Customer of Esagio’s trademarks, logos, standardized graphic arts etc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Esagio Designs”) as described in the Customer’s agreement with Esagio or upon the Customer’s prior written consent from Esagio. The Trademark Guidelines contain information to the Customer about which Esagio Designs the Customer may use, how the Esagio Designs shall be displayed and in what context. The Customer shall be obligated to comply with the Trademark Guidelines in force at any time.

1. Esagio Designs

The Esagio Designs are the property of Esagio and shall be protected in accordance with applicable copyright, trademark and other legislation. Nothing in these Trademark Guidelines shall be regarded as transferring ownership in the Esagio Designs to the Customer. The Customer is only granted a non-exclusive license to use the Esagio Designs as specified in the Trademark Guidelines and the Customer’s agreement with Esagio as long as the Customer has a valid license hereto.

The Esagio Designs, which the Customer may use, are available on

The Customer shall always display, spell and capitalize Esagio Designs exactly as they are shown on and the Customer may not make up names that contain Esagio Designs.

2. Authorized use of Esagio Designs

The Customer may only use Esagio Designs in accordance with the Customer’s agreement with Esagio or upon prior written consent from Esagio.

All others may only use Esagio Designs or any other Esagio trademark, including Esagio-owned graphic symbols, logos or modifications thereof, as or as part of a company name, trade name, product name, or service name upon prior written consent from Esagio or if allowed under applicable mandatory law.

The Customer may only use Esagio Designs as follows, unless otherwise determined and notified to the Customer by Esagio:

  • on the Customer’s website, and
  • In the Customer’s sales promotion materials.

All other use of Esagio Designs, including but not limited to use in TV advertisements, is only permitted upon prior written consent from Esagio or if allowed according to the Customer’s agreement with Esagio.

3. Unauthorized Use of Esagio Designs

The Customer may not use Esagio Designs in any other way other than described in the Customer’s agreement with Esagio or otherwise agreed upon in writing with Esagio.

The Customer may not use or register, in whole or in part, Esagio Designs or any other Esagio trademark, including Esagio-owned graphic symbols, logos or modifications thereof, as or as part of a company name, trade name, product name, or service name unless permitted in the Trademark Guidelines or in the Customer’s agreement with Esagio.

The Customer may not use other variations of Esagio Designs for any purpose or use Esagio Designs or any other Esagio-owned graphic symbol, logo, or icon in a disparaging manner.

The Customer also agrees not to use Esagio Designs or any other Esagio trademark, including Esagio-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Esagio’s endorsement, affiliation, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service.

Furthermore, the Customer may not register identical or virtually identical Esagio Designs as a domain name, including as a second level domain name or use as backend domain.

4. Inquiries regarding the Trademark Guidelines

In case of inquiries regarding the Trademark Guidelines Esagio may be contacting on the following address: 


5. Updates of the Trademark Guidelines

Esagio may at any time make changes to the Trademark Guidelines with future effect. Esagio will give the Customer prior notice if changes are made to the Trademark Guidelines.